Reviews, Specifications, Tips and Tricks

How to Build a Vertical Garden on a Fence

Vertical gardens are one of the easiest ways to fulfill your wish of planting your favorite fruits, veggies, and much more. That method creates a charming garden with practical and straightforward ways. In this article, we will give you some ideas on how to build a vertical garden on a fence with some simple measures.A Vertical Garden On A Fence

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Top 5 Edible Hedge Plants

Hedging plants yield tasty berries and nuts, which add interest and function to your fence. In addition, edible hedge plants are extremely beneficial to animals. They provide pollination to flowers, caterpillars with leaves, and birds and small mammals with windfall fruit and nuts.

These active plants can create a privacy screen, act as a wind barrier, and yield a crop of yummy delights when you choose the proper species! They are relatively easy to cultivate, all you need is to prepare your soil with a good aerator.

Edible Hedge Plants

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How to Plant a Hedge – Holes or Trenches?

Hedge plants are pretty cheap. Plus, they are straightforward to plant. As a result, you can form a beautiful-looking boundary quicker than most gardeners can even imagine. Moreover, with these hedge plants, you can provide a structure to your garden.

Finally, these hedge plants are excellent for wildlife, along with nesting birds. You will have to time the different types of hedge plants when planting them, and they will add a look to your garden you can cherish all year long. Here’s everything you need to know about preparing the ground for your hedge and maintaining it. Scroll down to read further.

Hedge Fence

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Fight Pests in Your Hedge Plants

Healthy hedge plants attract all kinds of pests and insects. These garden pests come in all sizes. For example, they can attract rabbits, raccoons, and beetles. But we are going to focus on insects in this text. They can make gardening a massive challenge for anyone. But, first, you have to make sure that you keep your soil healthy and your pH levels well-balanced. We have developed this guide, to help you fight pests in your hedge plants and enjoy your healthy-looking garden.

Ways to Fight Pests in Your Hedge Plants

· Get help from birds

Birds love to eat insects, and they are naturally attracted to gardens. So, you can lure some bug-eating birds to Eastern Bluebirdyour hedge area with a birdbath filled with fresh water. It will also deter them from picking your tomatoes for their juice and seeds.

Furthermore, you can place a bird feeder close to your hedge and keep it filled with seeds. You can keep it there from late autumn to early spring. It will make your garden their heaven, and when the summer comes, they will start feeding on insects.

Eastern bluebirds and Guinea fowl can snatch up beetles, hornworms, and ticks. Furthermore, most of them will not scratch or ruin your plants. This makes birds welcome guests in your garden. If you want to keep other, uninvited animals out,  check here.

Veggies could help you get rid of some pests

· Cayenne peppers for loopers

Deterring those cabbage loopers from eating Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage leaves is easy. First, you need to make a mix of three teaspoons of cayenne pepper in one-quarter of water and put it in your spray bottle. Next, spray this mixture on those stems, leaves, and the ground that surrounds each plant.

· Pepper and onions for grasshoppers and aphidsCayenne Peppers

Grasshoppers and aphids can damage your flower beds and vegetables. Therefore, you can blend two to four peppers, a mild green pepper, and a small onion with a quart of water. Put this mix into a spray bottle and start applying it on the leaves and stems, along with the ground that surrounds your plants.

· Garlic and onions for all-purpose insect prevention

Garlic and onions are natural insect deterrents. You can plant them around your hedge or plant them in-between. Your hedge will remain safe from a majority of insects by doing so.

· Onions, again for borers

If you have fruit trees around your hedge plants, use onions to prevent fruit tree borers from damaging them. These borers can dig into the base of your fruit trees. Therefore, you can plant garlic and onions around the tree. If you do not do this, your hedge plants are at risk of attacking other insects.

· Use bush beans and potatoes to keep beetles away

In your hedge garden, you can plant alternate rows of potatoes with bush beans. BUsh beans keep potatoes safe from Colorado Potato Beetles. On the other hand, potatoes keep bush beans safe from Mexican Bean Beetles.

Plants Are Your Friends

· The radish rescue

Radishes are excellent hedge plants that can deter beetles. You can plant them around your crops of squash, peas, beans, cucumbers, and melons.

· Basil protects tomatoes


You can plant basil alongside tomatoes to protect them from any attack by those harmful insects. It will also prove to be beneficial for the growth of your tomato plants.

· Rosemary safe havens your veggies

Rosemary is an aromatic herb that can keep your vegetable and hedge garden safe from cabbage moths, carrot flies, and bean beetles.

· Catnip is not just for cats

If you interplant catnip, along with tansy, cucumbers, and zucchini in your hedge garden, it will significantly reduce the population of cucumber beetles.

Fight Pests in Your Hedge Plants With Flowers

· Petunias to deter beetles

Petunias are highly effective if you plant them around your potatoes and beans in your hedge garden. They can keep potato beetles away.

· Tansy can keep ants at bayPetunias

Ants and aphids can be very stubborn. But you can keep them away from your hedge plants if you plant tansy around your garden and your house.

· Chrysanthemums work wonders

You can plant chrysanthemums right around your home to keep bed bugs out. Apart from that, they effectively deter fleas, roaches, lice, ants, and many other similar insects. Moreover, chrysanthemums also repel spider mites, ticks, Japanese beetles, and various other garden insects.

Here are the best cordless hedge trimmers, that will ease you maintain the hedges

Chemistry Can Provide Solutions

· Use a DIY bug spray

You can make an all-purpose pest-control spray at home pretty conveniently. Just add a couple of teaspoons of liquid dish soap to your spray bottle with warm water. Make sure to add your soap after you have filled your bottle with water to prevent bubbling.

· Diatomaceous earth for crawlersSpraying Against Pests

You can also go for diatomaceous earth to get rid of stink bugs and various other crawling insects. It is an effective and abrasive barrier for them. However, make sure you only go for food-grade diatomaceous earth as it is organic.

Sprinkle some of this powder beneath your fruits and vegetables resting on your ground. Apart from that, you can also sprinkle it on your leaves.

· Garden lime for Japanese beetles

You can dust green beans, along with garden lime, to get rid of those Japanese beetles from your hedge garden. This is an effective remedy to repel these beetles.

Read more about the best lawn scarifiers and aerators.


How do I kill bugs in my hedge?

If they have already invaded your hedge, you can spray your hedge with a hard stream of water using your garden hose. It will knock the insects off from the foliage. You can repeat this for two to three days. After that, get rid of the areas with the heaviest infestations. Moreover, destroy and cut to kill those insects.

How can I get rid of bugs without killing hedge plants?Hedge Pests

You can mix one percent soap solution from one quart of water and two teaspoons of a mild liquid dishwasher. Then, put it in a bottle and spray it on your hedge plants. It will instantly get rid of aphids, mites, mealybugs, and other soft-body pets.

How can I kill bugs in soil?

You can use one part of hydrogen peroxide and mix it with three parts of water. It is a natural substance that is not harmful to your hedge plants. Instead, it will kill bugs and release oxygen into your soil. Your plant growth will boost with this oxygen release.

Fight Pests in Your Hedge Plants Consistently

There are various remedies to krill bugs in your hedge. These solutions are not harmful to your hedge plants and will add to the overall looks of your garden too. However, you will have to be consistent with these remedies because these bugs can return anytime.

Caring for hedges is everything but easy. You should know when to plant them, how to care for them, how to keep them good-looking, and so on. The list of tasks is endless, but the end result is beyond rewarding!

The UK Best Garden Shears of 2020

This time we’ve decided to make a list of the best garden shears for 2020. The warm months are finally here and we are all ready to show off our beautiful gardens. However, before the long barbecue nights in the garden and before all the compliments for your green masterpiece, there’s a lot of work to be done.

Hedge Trimming With Garden Shears

Taking care of your garden may be a hard task sometimes, but it is really rewarding when you see the fruit of your labour. In this article, we’ll focus mainly on maintaining the hedges in your garden. In order to look good, they do need special care. Hedge trimmers work great, but if you really want clean cuts and nice shapes, you’d better do some fine-tuning. How?

Well, it’s a rather good idea to use hedge shears for that purpose. Since it’s a manual tool, you’d have more control, and you’d be able to be quite precise while using them. It sounds easier than it actually is, I know.

First you have to choose the right tool for your garden, for sure. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but if you do not choose an appropriate tool, the results may not be quite what you’d expected. So we’d like to give you some information about hedge shears, talk about the different types there are and see which would be the best hedge shears for you. Then, after you’ve established your needs, we’ll show you 10 of the best hedge shears for 2020.

So let’s get started.

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Top 10 Best Petrol Hedge Trimmers for 2020

With spring approaching, we start to gear up and prepare for the work that is about to come our way. Whether you want to have your garden neat, or you are a professional, a good hedge trimmer can significantly increase your productivity and save you tons of time. There are a lot of options on the market to choose from, but before we dive in and introduce you to the best petrol hedge trimmers for 2020, there is one important question to review:  Why petrol and not electric hedge trimmer?

Let’s start with the fact that professionals usually opt for petrol hedge trimmers. There’s a solid reason behind that.

Petrol hedge trimmers have a lot of benefits, and probably the biggest is the fact that they are cordless. It’s pain to look for a socket outside or to find a long enough coupler, especially if you have a big land. And then in the worst-case scenario, the cord may come in the way while you’re working. Then you have unfinished work and with a ruined trimmer. If you use a petrol hedge trimmer, you won’t have to deal with situations like that. It is much more comfortable, especially if something is harder to reach.

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Top 10 Best Cordless Hedge Trimmers UK for 2020

So, spring’s finally here! It’s green and fresh, everything is flourishing, hedges are growing. Speaking of which it is time to prepare for the unavoidable work that comes with the start of the warmer months. We love nothing more than well-kept welcoming places to rest and drink our afternoon tea in, right? Well, then it’s time to gear up with one (or why not more) of the top 10 best cordless hedge trimmers uk for 2020 we have listed for you.

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What Is The Best Time Of Year To Plant Hedges?

A garden surrounded by beautiful hedges adds to the beauty of your premises. Hedge plants are inexpensive yet they add a royal style to the scenery. Ideally, the best time of year to plant hedges is between November and April. However, it highly depends on the type of hedge plant you choose for your garden.  You can plant different types of hedges during different periods of the year.

Plant Hedges - Preparation


Before planting the bare root hedge plants, they need some preparations and treatments. They are as below:

  • Before plant hedges, the roots or the plants should be soaked in water for at least an hour.
  • The bare roots should not be exposed, hence, it should be kept soaked in water until you decide of planting.
  • Once you have planted the hedges in their permanent place, make sure that you water them adequately for at least the first 2 years.

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Hedging Plants For That Flawless Boundary

Hedging is an exquisite way of protecting your gardens and properties. These hedging plants actually work as a mechanism to block out unnecessary things. However, they can also do much more for a garden. These plants can lead to structural planting and even create secluded areas in the garden. In addition, hedges can be given all kinds of organic shapes as per your wish.

However, hedging plants are losing their popularity nowadays. This is because most of the homeowners are turning to wooden fences. However, hedges work as an important natural habitat. Furthermore, these hedges provide nesting opportunity for all kinds of wildlife. Also, large hedges are more effective in reducing the strong winds. So there is some maintenance required but hedges outlive the fences a little longer.

Good Looking Hedging Plants

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How to Properly Water Your Hedges

Just as every masterpiece needs a frame, likewise, your favorite masterpiece, i.e. your garden also needs a ‘Hedge’. A green thick sheet of dense hedge is a perfect treat to eyes. These dense hedges not only give that extraordinary look to your garden, but they also act as homes for many birds, small insects, tiny mammals and so on.

You need to make sure that you care for the hedges just like you do for any other plant in your garden. You have to follow many steps to keep the hedges of your garden fresh and lively always. Along with timely pruning, watering the hedges properly is also very important.

Here, at Best Hedge Trimmer we take fully care for your garden and hedges.

Properly Watered Hedges

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Top Ten Fast Growing Shrubs

A fast growing shrubs refers to plants which grow unusually quickly. There are a number of reasons why you might want to plant them. The fast growing shrubs and bushes are nice, particularly if your garden is looking bare or lacking in privacy. Instead of putting up fences, you can put in fast growing plants. As a result they will provide you with an eco-friendly green screen. In addition they are aesthetically pleasing and good for your garden.

Fast Growing Shrubs London

Alternatively, if you are just trying to make your garden bloom with vibrancy and colour, fast-growing are the way to go. The let you make maximum impact with minimum time. These plants have the obvious advantage of filling in spaces, whether in or around the garden.

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Keeping Animals Out of Your Yard with a Thorny Hedge

Why install home security when a thorny hedge can keep out all kinds of intruders? Unwanted animals can be very annoying when they enter your yard and wreck havoc. Planting a fence of thorny hedges around the property is the best way to keep them out.

Thormny shrubs & Bushes

This natural barrier of scratching spines and wicked thorns can drive away even the most daring animals. After all, nobody likes to get painful nicks and scratches, be it humans or animals. There are multiple species of thorny bushes which can be used as guarding plants for your home.

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How to Compost Hedge Trimmings

Most of our visitor are asking us about how to compost hedge trimmings? Which is the best garden composter ? How to choose the best way for compost hedge trimmings?

Have you been cutting your hedges to get that fine trimmed finish? It definitely enhances the look of your garden and turns it into an impressive view. However, frequent trimming leads to a pile of hedge waste.  As a result, you are probably irked with the fact that there is huge quantity of hedge waste. It keeps adding on with every trim. Consequently, the accumulation of these hedge wastes seems like a mountain of green waste. Furthermore, the beauty of your garden begins to decline due to the heap of woody hedge stacking up.

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How to Prepare Your Hedges For the Spring

Tips to Prepare Your Hedges and Garden for the Spring

Have you been planning to renovate your garden for a long time now? The spring season is here and most people like you are dwindling on the fact – “How to make a great garden in no time”. Firstly, it is never easy to create a beautiful garden in a fortnight. In case you already have a garden and want to renovate it, then you are in for some luck.

Our mission at Best Hedge Trimmers is to help you have a nice and tidy garden.

The following tips will help you to get your garden ready in a very short time.

How to Prepare Your Hedges For the Spring

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Storing Hedge Plants Through Winter

We tend to think of summer as the time when we are busy working in our gardens. Also it is  the time for tending to and focusing on hedge plants. While it’s true that this is the peak of activity for our green worlds. There is also plenty to be done in the colder months. The best ways to store your plants to protect them is worth some careful consideration. If you live somewhere with a mild climate it is ok. You may not need to worry too much about how to protect your plants from the cold. If you live somewhere with the potential for hard frosts and heavy snowfalls is a problem. You will need to take steps to protect your plants from freezing.

Why You May Need to Store Hedge Plants

Late autumn is a great time for planting hedges, because growth has slowed down for the year. Also the young plants which have weathered through the winter will be stronger than those planted in the spring. Very young hedges, known as bare-rooted whips, will use the cold months to put down roots. This will help them better cope with dry weather when summer comes. As they are much cheaper than buying established hedge plants – they are a popular option for getting a hedge going.

Some hedging plants, especially if purchased in root ball form, can only be planted in the winter. So they have to be moved when they are in their dormant state to avoid them going into shock and dying. However, you cannot plant them in frozen ground. That’s why you may find yourself needing to store them while you wait for conditions to improve a bit.

5 Green Privet Hedging Ligustrum Plants Hedge

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Preparing Your Hedge Trimmer For Winter Storage

Your hedge trimmer is a fantastic tool which you are likely to use a great deal in the spring, summer, and perhaps early autumn. It is very unlikely to get out and power up during the winter. This is for the simple reason that the plants are growing minimal amounts at this time. So you don’t need to cut them back. That’s why you will probably put your best hedge trimmer into storage.

Hedge Trimmers - Winter Storage

It’s very important to take a bit of time to make sure your tool is prepared properly before storing it. Giving it due care and attention will reduce the chance of the blades suffering over the winter. As a result it will be ready to use straight away when you get it out in the spring.

The chances are that once the hedges are in need of attention, you will not want to take the time to start cleaning and sharpening and lubricating the blades. So it’s a very good idea to do all of this in advance.

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How to Choose the Best Telescopic Ladder

If you do any amount of work which involves standing on a ladder – and most people do over the course of their months, weeks, and days – you will probably be familiar with some of the risks associated with climbing up and working from a ladder. Whether you’re using it indoors or outdoors, whether you’re standing on it to clean out a gutter or teetering at the edge as you try to reach a tree branch which wants pruning, ladders pose considerable risks whenever we use them, especially if you’re standing on a tall one. Need ladder, better go for the best telescopic ladder!

open telescopic ladder

That’s why it’s important to always have the right ladder for the job. After all, you wouldn’t try using a kitchen step if you wanted to cut your hedge. There are a huge range of different ladders on the market. So it’s important to do research into which one is right for your household and why. Like so many things, technological advances have made their mark on the ladders we use. Addressed issues like the bulkiness, size, and weight of traditional ladders, transforming them into more practical tools like the telescopic ladder.

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How to Choose the Best Garden Shredder

On one side a garden shredder may not be the most common piece of gardening equipment. On the other side there are many reasons why it could be useful to purchase one for your home. Chances are, if you are looking into best garden shredder, you have a medium or large garden with some storage space available. So you need to dispose of general garden waste. If you spend any amount of time working outdoors, cutting hedges or pruning bushes, you will end up with a lot of tough waste, which is not immediately compostable and which will take a long time to decompose.

bosch garden shredder - one of the best garden shredder

Unless you have another way to dispose of this waste (e.g. bonfires, trips to the refuse disposal, etc.), you will need to break it down so it can rot away. This has the added advantage of giving you fertilizer which can be used to revitalise your garden. There are many different kinds of shredders, So it’s important to do careful research. Then make sure you choose the one which will best suit your needs.

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How to Clean the Blades of Your Hedge Trimmer

Many households throughout the world own hedge trimmers and use them on a regular basis. This is especially valid during the spring, summer, and early autumn. They are extremely handy for keeping your garden under control. In addition they make your borders neat and tidy, and prevent them from encroaching on your space by over-growing. Regular trimming helps to keep your hedges healthy and encourages them to grow densely. As a result they can better perform their purpose as borders.

So it’s fairly obvious why your hedge trimmer is useful out of doors. What you may not know is that it’s extremely important to keep the trimmer blades sharp and clean. Spraying your trimmer with lubricant before using it (and during extended use) can help to reduce the amount of dirt which sticks to the blades.  Despite, you may still need to clean them up afterwards.

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How to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades

A hedge trimmer is a great piece of equipment to have in any home which has a garden. So many households have one. They’re something that gets used pretty regularly, whether you’re using them to tidy up hedges or trees. So it’s important to know when the trimmer needs some care and attention, and the best methods for maintaining it. Therefore, lubricating hedge trimmer blades is very important.

Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades - How to do it?
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Hedge Trimmer Blades: Care and Sharpening

If you spend any amount of time caring for and pruning in your garden, it will pretty quickly come to your attention that your nice, shiny, sharp tools do not stay nice, shiny and sharp for a very long time. Тhey get blunt pretty quickly with use. If you are the sort of person who likes a tidy hedge, you’ll be out there doing frequent trimming. Аs a result of this, your hedge trimmer blades will get blunt. Does not matter whether you’re using a top-of-the-range model or a budget piece of equipment. Blunt blades create a lot of problems. First of all, they make the work you’re trying to do considerably harder and more time-consuming. Second also leaving you with a much messier finish. Due to this, it’s important to always sharpen your hedge trimmer blades as soon as they start to become blunt.

hedge trimmer blades

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How To Trim High Hedges

High Hedges are one of the most common features of any garden. They offer more privacy than most fencing, with an added bonus of greenery. They are also more eco-friendly, providing nesting spaces for birds and hideaways for other creatures. Also depending on the type of hedge – food sources. Unlike fences, they won’t rot or need repainting, but they do of course require some maintenance. Most important is to keep them trimmed, tidy, and not too high.Garden with High Hedges

Frequent care and attention prevents your hedge from getting unmanageable and out of hand. This also helps it to grow bushy and thick. Thats why it’s important to familiarise yourself with the proper care tricks and tools. These will vary to an extent, depending on the type of hedge (conifer hedges need regular maintenance than evergreen). It also vary form your garden type and the amount of work you do. But in the end it’s useful to have a basic overall view. Continue reading
