A hedge trimmer is a great piece of equipment to have in any home which has a garden. So many households have one. They’re something that gets used pretty regularly, whether you’re using them to tidy up hedges or trees. So it’s important to know when the trimmer needs some care and attention, and the best methods for maintaining it. Therefore, lubricating hedge trimmer blades is very important.

Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades - How to do it?

Why You Need to Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades ?

Once you buy hedge trimmer, you have to care about it. Even the best hedge trimmer needs care.

Hedge trimmer blades inevitably get clogged up with debris and sap when you use them. As a result this will make the blades stick. Not only does this make cutting more difficult, but it gives you messy, jagged cuts, rather than neat, clean edges. When this starts to happen, you should look at cleaning and lubricating the blades. So, make sure the machine isn’t damaged and is still safe to use. If the build-up becomes too much, your trimmer may stop working at all. As the blades will be unable to turn, and the sharp edges will be coated in sap. Properly caring for your blades can help them to extend their life, and prevent them getting rusty.

How Regularly You Need to Lubricate Your Hedge Trimmer Blades ?

It depends on how often you use it and what you are using it to cut. You should always lubricate it before storing it for more than a few weeks. Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades With SprayIt’s also important to lubricate the blades both before and after using the hedge trimmer. This will keep the blades moving freely and protect them from corrosion.

Oiling them before you use the trimmer will help to prevent sap and residue from sticking to the blades in the first place. It will make them easier to keep clean. Following this, oiling them after use allows you to remove any build-up before it has time to really stick. This means that you can store the trimmer away for its next use.

If you are going to be using the trimmer for an extended period of time, apply lubricant partway through the job. For example cutting a large expanse of hedge may need to lubricate through the job. Lubricating ensures than your blades will continue to turn freely and smoothly.

How to Lubricate The Blades ?

There are a number of different methods you can use to lubricate your hedge trimmer. Firstly, you should always unplug your hedge trimmer or remove its battery. It is very important  to do it before you do anything at all to the blades. Second, wear protective gloves to reduce the chance of cutting yourself if you slip. Moreover, the gloves protect your skin from the oil. Another important point is to place the hedge trimmer on a flat surface. It reduces the chance of slipping and to make it easier to work methodically. Next, you should make sure that the blades are clean, avoid any residue clinging to them underneath the oil coating.

Lubricate blades and knives of grass strimmers is also important. Here is Bosch Art 23 Sl Electric Grass Trimmer, which also needs care

If you have a manual hedge trimmer, you may be able to safely lubricate it by dipping the blades into a pan of oil. This is a relatively quick and simple method, taking minimal time and effort. This also ensures thant the blades receive a thorough, even coat without having to cover them individually.

Electric hedge trimmers, however, should not be dipped into a liquid, but can be sprayed with an aerosol. You should aim to get the coating as even as possible, ensuring every part of the blades has  been covered.  Alternatively, you can apply oil to the blades using a rag, working systematically along the blades. Once again ensuring that you don’t miss any patches, especially the undersides of the blades. Have in mind, that they are easy to overlook. After you finish lubricating the trimmer, switch it on briefly. This will  allow the mechanism to distribute the oil evenly across the blade surfaces.

Types of lubricant

Some trimmer manuals will recommend a specific type of lubricant which works best with individual products, so you should always check your manual if you are unsure.
Lubricate Hedge Trimmer Blades With WD-40 There are many different products on the market which are specifically designed for lubricating hedge trimmer blades, and offer good adhesion to the metal, reduced build-up and staining, and protection from corrosion. Most good hardware stores will be able to make suggestions if you are stuck. Generally speaking, any light machine oil ought to be okay to use. If you want one that can be purchased pretty much anyway, you could try a multi-purpose lubricant like WD-40.

WD-40 Original Spray Can 600ml
  • Displaces moisture, prevents rust, and dries out electrical systems
  • Loosens stuck parts
  • Lubricates to make equipment run smoothly
  • Removes oil, dirt, grease and grime
  • Protects metal from rust and corrosion

There are a number of other options, and it might be worth trying a few different ones to see which gives you the best results. For example, you could try Fluid Film, which can be purchased as a spray or as a liquid, and is specifically designed to avoid waxy build-up. It can be easily wiped off, ensuring there will be no greasy residue when you come to clean your hedge trimmer blades again, and a fresh coat will go directly onto clean blades. Gun oil is another option, although slightly more expensive. It can loose any rust which is on the blades. In addition it also protects them from further corrosion.

Fluid Film AS-R 400 ml Spray Can, 3 pack with probe
  • Fluid film from Hodt there is another lanolin based for years proven rust protection that is e.g. As a creep oil for solving rusted screws.

Avoid Heavy Oils as a Lubricate

Some sources recommend avoiding the use of heavy oils when lubricate hedge trimmer blades. It can actually increase build-up and residue on the blades, although you can wipe this away after use if you have no other oil available. If you need to clean up the blades, you may want to consider buying a resin solvent. You can apply it before lubricants and will help remove any sap build-up and stickiness. Many of these also have lubricating properties and will help to protect the blades from rust and corrosion.

Cleaning hedge trimmer blades is a very important process which keeps your machine running smoothly and efficiently, and also extends the life of your blades, thereby saving you time, energy, and money. It is simple to do and regular treatment prevents the need for rust removal and extensive cleaning efforts, which are time-consuming and hard work.

You should lubricate the blades whenever you use the trimmer, protecting them from sap and plant residue and helping to keep them in great condition. There are an enormous range of products available to clean and lubricate the blades, so it’s worth trying a few until you find one which works well for your trimmer and cleaning routines.