Why install home security when a thorny hedge can keep out all kinds of intruders? Unwanted animals can be very annoying when they enter your yard and wreck havoc. Planting a fence of thorny hedges around the property is the best way to keep them out.

Thormny shrubs & Bushes

This natural barrier of scratching spines and wicked thorns can drive away even the most daring animals. After all, nobody likes to get painful nicks and scratches, be it humans or animals. There are multiple species of thorny bushes which can be used as guarding plants for your home.

Defending Your Home with Thorny Hedges

Even though a thorny hedge can seem like an implausible idea, it is actually quite effective. Not only is it is an economically sound solution but it is aesthetically pleasing too. When we think of home defense, our imagination stops at stone walls and moats. However, a thorny hedge can prove to be a formidable defense mechanism.

There are several advantages of fortifying your home with a thorny hedge. Incorporating these prickly shrubs in your property’s landscaping can prove to be a double bonus. You can capitalize on their aesthetic appeal and benefit from their protection. While planting thorny bushes, you should keep a vital point in mind. Always go for weak areas in your yard which are vulnerable to intrusion. Planting shrubs in such locations can act as effective animal repellants.

Read the best hedge trimmer reviews.

Smart Ideas to Plant Thorny Bushes Strategically

You should not give your intruders the chance to hide behind tall bushes or hedges. Always go for hedges which are 3 feet or shorter in height. This helps in spotting intruding animals immediately.

Near the yard entrance, plant thorny bushes like roses or bougainvillea. The prickly nature of these shrubs is enough to deter animal break-ins.

Thorny Hedges - Bougainvillea-Spectabilis

Cats are very nimble on their feet and are able to climb windows and fences easily. Toward them off, it is necessary to install prickly climbers along with thorny hedges.

Mix up plant types to create a stylish look and make intrusion more difficult. Animals which are not deterred by one plant type surely get repelled by some other plant species. This increases the level of protection.

Steps for Planting a Thorny Hedge

  • Make an evaluation of the site
    Finished locating the areas where you want to plant the thorny hedge? Now check the planting site for soil type, access to water and exposure to sunlight. Select a shrub that matches closely with the environment of the location. Succulent species like cacti can be planted in dry areas with fewer water supplies.
  • Try to install a dense hedge cover
    First of all dig a deep trench along the area that you have designated as the fence line. Create a second trench parallel to the first one to make penetration difficult. The first line of shrubs may have gaps which the animals can use to breach the defense. The second row of shrubs adds an extra layer of protection. Plant the shrubs at a gap of 6 to 8 inches and limit their height to less than 3 feet as mentioned earlier.

Planting Shrubs and Maintaining Hedges

  • Plant the shrubs
    The sharp edges of the thorny hedge can cause injury if you are not careful. Wear gloves to prevent scratches while taking out the shrubs from the nursery containers. When you put the shrub into the ground, level its base with enough soil. You should stagger the shrubs while planting two rows. The plants in the two rows should not be exactly face-to-face because this creates gaps. Animals can enter through these gaps. After putting in the shrubs, you should add more soil around the plant to stabilize it and put water. The best time to plant thorny shrubs is during the fall or early winter. Rain helps the plants to take root and thrive.
  • Maintain the hedge
    Though thorny bushes are remarkably self-sufficient and resilient, they do require some care. Check the amount of water that your thorny plant species requires. During the summer, prune the hedge to maintain a uniform appearance. Flowering shrubs should be pruned in the winter. The amount of pruning depends on your aesthetic requirements. You should avoid adding fertilizers to the soil unless its quality is poor. A point which most people forget is to sanitize the gardening tools after use. Every time you do pruning, make sure to clean the shears with water and alcohol.

Some Tips to Keep In Mind While Installing a Thorny Hedge

The thorny hedge is meant for keeping animals away. However, it should not block your ability to move freely around your property. You should ensure that there are convenient access points to your property for you use.

Take a walk around the whole property and decide which access points you need to seal off totally. If your property has some steep drop-offs, you should create a barrier of thorny bushes on top. The animals are unable to take advantage of the slope to enter into your yard.

If your house is located near a grazing area, a natural boundary of thorny bushes becomes essential. Deer and rabbits tend to search for new pastures. Thorny plants are the only solution forwarding them off. There is no clear landing or taking off space for these animals because of the plants.

Thorny Shrubs

Common Garden Crashers

The deer causes maximum damage to your garden because it tramples and feeds on vegetation. Rabbits generally chew on leaves and flowers. Gophers attack the stems of plants and cause withering. Voles feed on grass and raccoons love feeding on kitchen gardens. Apart from these animals, neighborhood cats and dogs are a major nuisance.

Final Thoughts

Planting a thorny hedge is the safest way to keep away animals without causing them harm. They might end up scratching themselves on the thorns. However, this is much better than treating them to garden pesticides which can cause death.

Install a thorny hedge today to keep your yard safe from unwanted animal intrusions!