High Hedges are one of the most common features of any garden. They offer more privacy than most fencing, with an added bonus of greenery. They are also more eco-friendly, providing nesting spaces for birds and hideaways for other creatures. Also depending on the type of hedge – food sources. Unlike fences, they won’t rot or need repainting, but they do of course require some maintenance. Most important is to keep them trimmed, tidy, and not too high.Garden with High Hedges

Frequent care and attention prevents your hedge from getting unmanageable and out of hand. This also helps it to grow bushy and thick. Thats why it’s important to familiarise yourself with the proper care tricks and tools. These will vary to an extent, depending on the type of hedge (conifer hedges need regular maintenance than evergreen). It also vary form your garden type and the amount of work you do. But in the end it’s useful to have a basic overall view.

It’s best to cut your hedge on a reasonably warm sunny day. The first cut should be done in the spring, before your hedge begins to produce new shoots for the summer. Any uneven parts can be tidied up later on in the year, when your hedge has begun to grow again. Second full cut should be done sometime in the late summer. This will help to remove any weak shoots before winter, and keep your hedge strong and healthy.

One of the problems which you face when you come to hedge maintenance is the height of the hedges. Sometimes reaching the top parts to get a neat cut is impossible without the correct equipment. Unless you have an extremely low hedge, you will need to get some tools before you can begin trimming it. In order to properly access the top of the hedge, you will probably find you need some tools. Ladders, platforms, and possibly extendable hedge trimmers is what you are looking for. They will give you the extra reach necessary to get the top of your hedge looking tidy.

Cut High Hedges Using a Ladder

Trimming High Hedge with Ladder

A ladder is probably the most standard piece of equipment, and the chances are that you already have one. It lets you get to eye-level with the top of the hedge. Of course, depending on the height of the ladder and the height of your hedge. In most cases you can get a really neat cut because you can see clearly and easily what you’re doing.

You will be able to reach the highest point of the hedge with a standard hedge trimmer. The good point is that you dont need special tools. There are a lot of different options when it comes to ladders. They come with many clever designs to cope with uneven ground and to keep you safe. It is very important while working at a height. Some use telescopic legs. They provide maximum flexibility depending on the height you need and the gradient of the ground. You should always make sure you are using a ladder which is stable and safe. Falling down when using a hedge trimmer could result in very serious injuries.

 ModelWeightMax HeightMax Load
Finether 3.8m aluminum telescopic ladderFinether 3.8m Aluminum Telescopic LadderFinether 3.8m Aluminum Telescopic Ladder10.2 kg3.8m150 kg
SOTECH 3.8m Telescopic Aluminium LadderSOTECH 3.8m Telescopic Aluminium LadderSOTECH 3.8m Telescopic Aluminium Ladder11.5 kg3.8m150 kg
TB Davies Triple Extension LadderTB Davies Triple Extension LadderTB Davies Triple Extension Ladder20 kg7m150 kg
Finether 5M Aluminum Telescopic LadderFinether 5M Aluminum Telescopic LadderFinether 5M Aluminum Telescopic Ladder18.7 kg5m150 kg
Abru 3 Way Combination LadderAbru 3 Way Combination LadderAbru 3 Way Combination Ladder6 kg2.74 m95 kg

Trimming High Hedges Using Platform

Trimming High Hedge with Platform

While ladders are a piece of equipment commonly found in your house, bear in mind that hedge trimming can be quite a difficult job and requires you to move around and lean across to reach different areas. Due to this, it’s definitely worth looking into platform ladders, which provide you with a proper space to stand on while you work. This means you can reach more of the hedge from the ladder, and ensures you have a safe, stable place to put your feet, reducing the chance of you losing your balance and falling.

You also have room to put down tools if you’re using more than one, and most have adjustable railings that allow you to safely lean forwards and offer you support while you cut the hedge. There are many other jobs which platform ladders can be used for, so investing in one to cut your hedge from will give you a flexible, useful piece of equipment and allow you to undertake the job more safely and easily.

 ModelWeightMax HeightMax Load
Abbey Aluminium Ladder With PlatformAbbey Aluminium Ladder With PlatformAbbey Aluminium Ladder With Platform15 kg3.7m150 kg
TecTake 3 Way Combination Ladder With PlatformTecTake 3 Way Combination Ladder With PlatformTecTake 3 Way Combination Ladder With Platform15 kg1.7m150 kg
Draper Combination Ladder and PlatformDraper Combination Ladder and PlatformDraper Combination Ladder and Platform16 kg1.6m130 kg
Silverline Tools 150 kg Step-Up PlatformSilverline Tools 150 kg Step-Up PlatformSilverline Tools 150 kg Step-Up Platform5 kg0.8m150 kg
Loyal SDIY Aluminium Scaffold TowerLoyal SDIY Aluminium Scaffold TowerLoyal SDIY Aluminium Scaffold Tower32 kg4m140 kg

Telescopic Hedge Trimmers

Trimming High Hedge with Telescopic Hedge Trimmer

Of course, even platform ladders have their risks, and it is perhaps safer to cut a hedge from the ground, which can be done using extendable hedge trimmers. These are sometimes called telescopic trimmers, long reach trimmers, and pole hedge trimmers. They allow you to trim even the high parts of your hedge while standing safely on the ground below, which cuts out the extra hassle of having to set up and adjust a ladder, and also removes the need to keep moving such a bulky piece of equipment along the hedge as you work.

Most of these trimmers have a reach of between 10-12 feet. Their flexible heads will allow you to cut neat edges and trim along the top of the hedge. As a result you will achieve a horizontal line without having to climb up a ladder. They also give you a better reach when it comes to cutting the main body of the hedge. This allows you to cut a larger radius from a single spot. There are a variety of options, with petrol, electric, and cordless models all available. So you can choose one which will suit your hedge-trimming needs. Some also come with multi-tool fittings, meaning you can incorporate several tools into one. This will save you money and increase the efficiency with which you work.

Safety First

It’s important to always observe the proper safety protocols when undertaking hedge trimming; this means wearing appropriate clothing and protecting your eyes and hands from any flying debris. You should not have exposed skin, and should make sure to use ear protection when operating noisy machinery.


Trimming your hedges is a very important part of the maintenance around your home. Both for aesthetic reasons and for the health of the hedge itself. It will benefit and grow bushier if regularly trimmed. You should carefully research recommended specifics for cutting your kind of hedge. First of all, find out what time of year to cut certain plants. Afterwards ensure that, whether you are using normal ladders, platform ladders, or extendable hedge trimmers, you are doing so in a safe way.