Flymo Easicut 450 electric hedge trimmer is an easy to use hedge trimmer that comes with easy and comfortable trimming of hedges and bushes. Flymo Easicut 450 makes trimming a lot of fun. This trimmer offers a major improvement over previous models of the same brand.

Flymo Easicut 450 Main Features Review

Flymo Easicut 450 offers a dual reciprocating and diamond ground blades that trims hedges fast and easy. The blades of this electric hedge trimmer are tough and rust resistant and this makes the blades easy to handle and maintain.

In addition to that, to prevent any of your hands from mistakenly jerking forward and coming in contact with the blade while in use, the hedge trimmer has a transparent protective guard. With its transparency, the protective guard combines safety with style and aesthetics. It enhances the great look of the hedge trimmer.

Flymo EASICUT 450-min

Both sides of the blade are suitable for almost all kinds of hedges and bushes. As a result of that, unlike most hedge trimmers that are selective in their functions, Flymo Easicut 450 cuts all kinds of hedges with ease.

For now, it comes in only orange color. Other color variants may come later but it has only one color now. Its only source of power is electricity. For extra safety, it has a 12m self-retracting safety belt clip that prevents the cable from coming in contact with the blade.

The trimmer is available on, and in several other notable retail stores. For those that may not be able to afford a new one, even though the price is reasonable, second-hand are available on Amazon at almost half the price of a new one.

Flymo Easicut 450 Electric Hedge Trimmer Safety Review

Remember, nothing good comes out of the contact between water and electricity, no matter how small the voltage is. Hence, never use the product in the rain since it is using electricity. While this rule is very important for Flymo hedge trimmer, it is also applicable to other electric powered devices. Furthermore, you need to consider the weather before using it. Once you notice a sign that it will soon rain, you should stop and take it inside as it may begin to rain sooner than you think.


For the same reason, never leave it outside or keep it where it can come in contact with water accidentally. This product as well as other electrical appliances should be kept out of the reach of your children. Sometimes, the cable may not be long enough. Never stretch it. Instead, make use of an extension lead.

Ensure your kids and children stay away from where you are working. This will prevent them from either knowing you off while trimming hedges or running into the cable of the trimmer. Needless to say running into the cable suddenly can yank the product off your hand and it could drop on a hard surface.

In addition to the other precautionary measures, you need to clear off all the dead leaves on your hedges before you set off as they could jam your hedge trimmer. Remember that when it gets jammed too often, its lifespan will begin to reduce. Hedges and bushes without dead leaves and any other debris are very easy to trim. The trimming session will be fast and easy and the work time will be less.

Flymo Easicut 450 Pros

With its pretty long blade, it cuts a large amount of hedges at the same time and this reduces work time drastically.

In addition to its long blade, being lightweight makes it easy to use. Several other trimmers are much heavier. Hence, only a few users can use them for long.

It offers a transparent protective guard for safe cutting.
Since its main cable is pretty long, you can take it relatively far while plugged to a power source. Its main cable is exactly 12m long. Apart from its extended reach, its handle is designed for easy and firm grip to avoid shaking or slipping while being used.

To be able to cut a lot of hedges at the same time, it comes with a 45cm blade length. This gives great cutting speed as a wide area of hedges is usually captured at the same time. No matter how good a hedge trimmer is, no one will be able to use it for long if it is too heavy. Hence, Flymo Easicut 450 weighs only 4kg without its pack. Being light weight makes it easy for any user to hold on to it for a pretty long time.


Here at Hedge Trimmer Reviews, we are also reviewing the cons of the trimmers.

It comes in only one color. So, there is no color option. Furthermore, when a product comes in only one color, it should have been either black or ash. This product comes in only orange color and this makes it look like a toy.

It has only one power source and its power source is electricity so it can’t operate cordlessly. It would have been better if it comes with dual power sources – electricity and battery.

Important Maintenance Tips

It is necessary to clean your hedge trimmer after every trimming session to remove all the debris and sap that may be stuck in the blades, in between its teeth. These debris and sap can reduce the efficiency of the product.
In addition, you should follow the manufacturer’s instruction on how to remove some parts to give room for proper cleaning. Ignoring the cleaning guidance could lead to voidance of warranty. Hence, you need to follow manufacturer’s instructions to the letter. Following all the tips above will not only lengthen the lifespan of your hedge trimmer, it will also ensure that it gives you top performance all the time.

Flymo Easicut 450 Electric Hedge Cutter Review Conclusion

In conclusion, it is still a good buy. There is no product without its cons but pros should outweigh cons by far. The pros of Flymo Easicut 450 Electric Hedge Trimmer far outnumber and outweigh its cons. So, it gets a pass mark.
Best Hedge Trimmers advice you to check Amazon offers before buying.

Flymo Easicut 450 in